Catégorie Marketing

Retail, the key to a successful eComm

Why choose between eCommerce and retail? Humankind has a tendency to oppose Beatles vs Rolling Stones, red wine to white wine, savory / sweet, sea vs mountain… But let’s agree on having a little bit of everything for once. Retail is key to online businesses. Yes pure players can be successful without a physical point […]

The « e » is dead, long live the « e »

eCommerce, eMarketing, eRetail… My job is essentially resumed to a small « e » in front of many words. I am in charge of digital. But more and more, both the digital and physical worlds have a tendency to merge. We even created a word for that; it’s called PHYGITAL. We live a very interesting era, where […]

Does « Not on Amazon » help boost sales?

Like many of you, I had the chance to (being fully vaccinated!) enjoy a few days away from the city. While enjoying my time away, I also rediscover TV. We tried briefly to get a subscription at home, but quickly decided to cancel. So, hotels or rentals are really the only places where we watch […]

« New normal », the cherry on the cake?

Will the « new normal » be a cherry on the cake or is it meant to last? Are the recent changes in many industries (such as restaurants, entertainment, services, retail, health…) just an « in between » or will they be there forever? 2020 has been crazy in many ways. Especially because we all faced this common enemy: […]

Digital (didn’t) Kill the Retail Star

Anything can be bought online, at any price. Ecommerce made it convenient and easy to buy -from your couch, wearing slippers, on a Sunday evening. But shopping is not only about « convenience ». Going to the store can be a necessity, but it can also be a way to socialize or spend time. Shopping is pleasant, […]